Interested in carrying Billy C’s Raw Honey?
Thank you for taking an interest in our products. We work almost as hard as our bees to offer you genuinely local honey of the highest standards. Offering Billy C’s Raw Honey may help build on your reputation with the quality and properly sourced honey that this generation of consumers demands. We are currently in dozens of Big Y locations and dozens of other stores throughout the area who tell us about the enthusiasm they receive about our product.
From us, you get the real deal! We run half of our 5000 hives exclusively in Massachusetts and Connecticut for hyper-local honey production. We do not buy cheap lower grade honey from out of the area and mix, blend, or package it with a “made local” label like many of our competitors. We strive to exceed the needs and demands of the consumer with a quality product that a customer can depend on time after time. We even swap out granulated product on your shelf, hassle-free!
Try us out for yourself with a free sample, and compare it to the competition for taste and quality. Email Bill today to pave the way to carrying the truly raw and local New England honey your customers expect. Just ask for a price list and any other questions you may have!